How long should intended parents meet surrogate’s post birth expenses?
It is a question often asked: How long do intended parents continue to pay surrogate’s expenses post birth? There is no hard and fast rule and depends entirely on the unique circumstances of each case. Generally, there are still plenty of expenses that occur during recovery in the fourth trimester. However, if a surrogate has had an uncomplicated pregnancy, birth and recovery and is back at work, the expenses should be relatively minimal. On the other hand, if your surrogate has had a more difficult birth or birthed by C-Section, has had any other post birth complications, such as a DVT or prolapse etc, then expenses could still endure past the fourth trimester. Check out my next post regarding post birth counselling. If you are in doubt as to whether an expense incurred can be reimbursed within the scope of the relevant legislation, you should always check with your surrogacy lawyer.