Yes, provided that the relevant state legislation is complied with.
In Australia, only altruistic surrogacy is permitted. Surrogates may be reimbursed for certain expenses (which are set out in the relevant state legislation) but it is illegal for a surrogate to obtain a commercial benefit for being a surrogate.
Yes! We act for clients in all Australian states and territories.
Yes. It is a legislative requirement that the intended parent(s) have a lawyer and the surrogate and her partner (if she has one) have their own, independent lawyer.
When you engage Nicole, she will provide you with a formal letter of engagement, which sets out information about my fees and payment. Generally, she will invoice you once she has completed your advice.
As an expert in this field, we recommend engaging a lawyer early to prepare your application. The application process can be lengthy and stressful. It involves several affidavits (legal documents that are governed by the rules of evidence and relevant Court rules) and application documents. The Courts are also regularly requesting additional written submissions to accompany applications.
Nicole takes the stress out of the process by preparing all documents for you, which allows you to focus on your newborn baby.